October 2nd, 2017:

Of course everything again took longer than I’d hoped. First I had to correct some data (my fault; I used a faulty colour profile for converting the data), and then for the proof the printing shop first sent me only a few sample cards instead of the full deck I’d anticipated. So I had to demand the rest in addition which took another week. But today the full trial proof arrived, and it’s looking very good!


For those of you who are interested: A proof is a digital trial print that shows the colours, saturation, and contrasts, bindingly as close to identical as possible as it will look in the final, offset print. If anything looks fishy on the proof you know it would look fishy on the end product.


Accordingly, I’m now going to check each  image very throughly if I need to change anything. Fortunately, for most cards I won’t have to. There are only a few on which the titles need to be a bit lighter, and a couple have a colour tint I want to try to neutralise.  Making these changes shouldn’t take longer than a few days. And the changes aren’t so big that I will want another proof sent to me. So as soon as the changes are done and transmitted I can also give the printing shop permission to print. That doesn’t mean that they can print immediately, though. They are a big company and have a lot of other people’s projects already lined up. It will take 4-6 weeks until they get to mine. I’ll post another update as soon as there is news!